Replacing I/O Modules

The procedure for replacing a front-panel I/O module depends on the type of module and hardware configuration:

Hot-swappable modules: If the chassis houses at least two I/O modules of any of the following types—FXS, FXO, BRI, TRUNKS, and/or MPM—you can replace any one of these modules with a module of the same interface type and same number of ports (e.g., a 2-port FXS module with a 2-port FXS module), using a hot-swappable process. In other words, you can replace the module without powering down the device and thus, without affecting other components and processes. The hot-swappable procedure includes physical removal and insertion of the module as well as software-based removal and insertion of the module through the Web interface.
Non hot-swappable modules: For all other I/O module replacement (listed below), you must power down the device before removing the module, and then power it up again once the new module has been installed. This enables the device to reset so that the new hardware configuration is applied. This cold-reset replacement procedure applies to the following modules and hardware configuration:
CRMX module
SWX LAN Expansion module
Replacement of a module with a module that supports a different number of ports and/or a different interface (e.g., replacing a 2-port FXS with a  4-port FXS module)
Replacement of an FXS, FXO, BRI, TRUNKS or MPM module if it is the only module of these five module types installed in the chassis (e.g., a chassis that houses only an FXS module and a CRMX module)
You can only replace a single module per hot-swappable module replacement process.
For hot-swappable module replacement, make sure that the module is replaced with a module of the same interface type and same number of ports, and in the same chassis slot. For example, a 2-port FXS module in Slot #1 must be replaced with a new 2-port FXS module and inserted in Slot #1.

(French) Avertissement:

Remplacez le module par le même type de module et dans la même fente du châssis. Par exemple, un module TRUNKS endommagé avec deux portées numériques dans la Fente 1 doit être remplacé par un module TRUNKS avec deux portées numériques dans la Fente 1.

If you are replacing a module with a module that supports a different interface (e.g., FXO instead of FXS) and provides a different number of ports, make sure that the License Key installed on the device provides support for this added hardware interface. For more information, contact your AudioCodes sales representative.

To replace a front-panel I/O module:
1. (CRMX module replacement only) Make sure that you have a new License Key for the new module. If not, ask your AudioCodes sales representative for the License Key.
2. (Non hot-swappable modules) Power down the device, and then continue with Step 4.
3. (Hot-swappable modules) Software-remove the module, using the device's Web interface:
a. Access the device's Web interface.
b. Open the page with the graphical display of the device:
Version 7.2 and later: Monitor page (Monitor menu > Monitor tab > Monitor)
Versions earlier than 7.2: Home page
a. Click the title of the module that you want to replace; the Remove Module button appears:

Clicking Module Title

b. Click the Remove Module button; a message box appears requesting you to confirm module removal.
c. Click OK to confirm removal; after a few seconds, the module is software-removed, the port status icons of the module turn gray and the name of the module is suffixed with the word "Reserved":

Software-Removed Module

4. Unplug all the cables from the module.
5. Physically remove the module from the slot:
a. Locate the two captive screws securing the module to the chassis:

Captive Screws on Module


b. Using a flathead screwdriver or your fingers, loosen the two captive screws.
c. Firmly grip the two captive screws and extract the module from the slot by pulling the captive screw:

Extracting Module from Slot


6. Physically insert the new module into the same slot:
a. Gently insert the module into the empty slot, aligning the module with the rails in the slot in the following module orientation, depending on whether you are inserting it in the top- or bottom-row slots:
Top-row slots: Ensure that the module is orientated such that the port-number labels are located at the bottom of the module's front panel. This module orientation is considered as facing up.

Inserting a Module into the Empty Slot


Bottom-row slots: Ensure that the module is orientated such that the port-number labels are located at the top of the module's front panel. This module orientation is considered as facing down.
a. Push the module into the slot and press on it firmly to ensure that it has been fully inserted.
b. Using a flathead screwdriver or your fingers, tighten the module's two captive screws to secure the module to the chassis.
7. Plug the cables into the new module.
8. (Hot-swappable modules) Software-insert the module, using the device's Web interface:
a. Access the device's Web interface.
b. Open the page with the graphical display of the device.
c. Click the title of the module ("<module name> Reserved") that you want to insert; the Insert Module button appears:

d. Click the Insert Module button; a message appears informing you that the module is currently being software-inserted. When the message disappears, the module is inserted, indicated by the disappearance of the word "Reserved" from the module's title.
9. Power up the device.
10. CRMX module replacement only:
a. From your local computer, access the device's Web interface with the device's default IP address (, through the GE 0/1 or 0/2 Ethernet port on the CRMX module.
b. Load the software file (.cmp) to the device. If you don't have the file, ask your AudioCodes sales representative for it.
c. Load the License Key file to the device.
d. Load your backup (saved) Configuration Package file or individual files (e.g., ini file, certificate files, Dial Plan file, and CPT file), if you have, to the device.
e. Check that the required certificate is installed on the device (TLS Context). If not, load it.
f. Re-cable the CRMX module to your network.
g. Verify that the device is operating correctly (e.g., alarms are cleared and call traffic is being routed) and that it is successfully communicating with third-party equipment (e.g., monitoring system, billing system, or routing system), if relevant.
h. If the device is monitored by OVOC, access the OVOC web-based management interface, remove the device from the OVOC topology, and then re-add it.